Virtual Demo Lab
Politecnico di Bari
27 January 2020
Virtual Demo Lab Testing Session

3 D I M P A C T

Virtual Demo Lab Testing Session

Yesterday, the partners of 3D-IMP-ACT Project met at Politecnico di Bari in order to perform the fist "Virtual Demo Lab Testing Session".

Firstly, the partners described the results carried out at this stage of the project and discussed about the potential impact on the research state of art in the field of Cultural Heritage, as well as on improvement of the tourism and relationships between the territories of Apulia, Albania and Montenegro.

After the presentation of the platform, all the participants, included students and PhD candidates of Politecnico di Bari, tested the Virtual Network of 3D-IMP-ACT structured in a WebGIS interface connected to digital contents and virtual immersive tours of the pilot cases, both architectures and archaeological sites.

After the test session, the participants filled up a specific feedback questionnaire which will allow us to validate the platform and improve the network.

Finally, some prototypes of the 3D printed artefacts were showed at the meeting.

As soon as possible the 3D virtual network of 3D-IMP-ACT will be on-line and open-access!

Stay tuned!


The participants:

Politecnico di Bari

Polo Museale della Puglia

Universiteti Politeknik i Tiranes